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Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice In accordance with new GDPR Legislation 25th May 2018 we are required to inform you of why, where and how we gather and store any personal information about your family and your child.
The new legislation requires childminders to obtain permission from parents to gather store and share information about their child. As a childminders setting we are required to have the following information: 

• Childs name
• Childs DOB
• Address
• Parental responsibility
• Parents contact details
• Emergency contact details
• Doctors name and contact details
• Any medical details We will keep paper records of all children’s information and development and also online on our Baby’s Days System. We also store all parents telephone numbers on our mobile phone. Paper records will be stored securely in a cupboard and will not be accessed or viewed by anyone other than ourself without parents’ permission. Parental permission will be required to share any information with outside agencies such as Preschool, school, health visitors, Children support worker etc unless informing parents would place the child in immediate danger, in this case information would be shared without parental permission.

We are also required under Ofsted regulations to record your child’s development under EYFS, this includes taking photographs to use in the child’s learning journey and then we will delete them from our phones. This is because under the new GDPR legislation a parent can now withdraw permission for us to store, use or keep any photos or personal information on a child. Obviously any information of an accident or incidents involving a child in our care has to be kept until a child reaches 21 years and 3 months of age will not be included in the withdrawal of permission as we are required by Ofsted and our insurance to keep this information. We are now required to have parental permission to cover the methods that we use to contact you and any Emergency contact that you have for your child, and share information. We store Parent’s mobile numbers on one mobile phone and will continue to use this method to contact you unless told otherwise. As previously we require your permission to take and use photographs of your child for their Learning profiles. We will continue to do this. However should you choose to withdraw consent for this at any time we will make every effort to remove pictures that have been used.

If a parent requires us to delete or destroy any information about their child once they have left the setting we will discuss the information with them and explain which parts can be deleted and which information must be kept in order to comply with my Ofsted registration and insurance requirements.

Please feel free to fill out the form below so that we can get in touch with
you asap or go to the contact page to phone us up directly

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